25th September 2024

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Serving the people of Stoughton

Young People Physical Activity & Sport Hardship Fund 2024/25

Active Together is looking to support young people from Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland, in the greatest financial need, to access physical activity and sport. The Young People Physical Activity & Sport Hardship Fund is aimed at helping young people overcome financial constraints affecting their continued involvement in physical activity and sport as a participant, official, coach, volunteer or talented sportsperson:

  1. Participant – for young people who are not able to access sport or physical activity due to the cost of membership fees/subs or who may need support with the purchase of kit or equipment required to participate.
  2. Coach/Official – for young people who have a passion for coaching or officiating in sport but are unable to access coaching or officiating courses/qualifications due to the cost of training.
  3. Volunteer – for committed young people who would like to give their time to volunteer in sport or physical activity, however they may face barriers such as the cost of transport to access the activity.
  4. Talented sportsperson – for young people who compete at a Regional, National or International level however cost is a barrier to travelling to competitions, purchasing equipment etc.

In order to apply, young people must live in Leicestershire, Leicester or Rutland should be aged 21 years or under on 31 March 2025, or up to the age of 25 for young people with special educational needs and disability (SEND). Priority will be given to a young person's financial need, including (but not limited to) household income, free school meal eligibility, nature and cost of the sport or activity. Round 1 of funding will close on Sunday 6th October 2024, with a further funding round to follow in March 2025.

Further information and the application form can be found at - Young People Physical Activity & Sport Hardship Fund 2024/25 | Active Together (active-together.org).

Posted: Tue, 24 Sep 2024